  • Impart training in entrepreneurship, business systems and employability.
  • Create a series of independent IGPs in the form of Small Business Units (SBU) working in tandem towards a common objective.
  • Provide unfailing technical and logistical support to ensure sustainability and growth of the organizations.
  • Regular social, financial and process audits.
  • Inculcate international standards of correct business procedures through a system of processes.
  • Use of appropriate technology to maximize growth and efficiency of the SBUs.
  • Impart refresher training on all relevant aspects of Marketing, Sales & Operations.
  • Support diversification.
  • Support educational systems to gain access to latest developments to dynamic business world through consultancy and training programs.
  • Eliminating gap between educational systems and business systems through close interaction programs.
  • Delivering programs in educating employment options and application of expertise in different industries.
  • Educating parents and students on employment options and opportunities through career guidance programs.

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