Courses Undergone
Employment through entrepreneurship is a unique program developed by Support Links Worldwide with the backing of extensive research spanning more than two decades.
The objective of the program is to develop entrepreneurs who are capable of creating and managing global businesses. 
The program is structured to develop entrepreneurial skills and capabilities in every student, within the duration of the course, which will help mould an entrepreneur.
The program is focused to meet the need of every individual with varied educational backgrounds, through individual attention and follow-up. This unique program reveals each individual’s potential, aspiration and helps them to develop an enterprise and manage it on their own.
Project Mission Employment has undergone this 1 year residential program and has attended the following course:
§ Certification in Entrepreneurship and Business Systems  (CEB) 

Methodology : Activity based training developed by Support Links Worldwide (TALT-True Application Level Training)

  • Supply Chain 
  • International Marketing 
  • Marketing Communication 
  • Conceptualization, Development and Implementation of Business Projects 
  • Project Funding & Financial Management 
  • Human Resource, Organizational Structure and Team  Management 
  • Business Process & Project Management 
  • ERP & Tools for Business Management 
  • CRM & E-Commerce
  • Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM) Model
  • Software applications depending on the business need and skills of each candidate.  

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