
If you feel you can contribute more than either volunteering or through donations, kindly partner with us. If you feel the need to be sensitive to the community around us, kindly join hands with us. If you feel we ought to do more, kindly encourage and guide us.

How can we partner?

Kindly fill the form stating your basic information. The concerned staff at Support Links Worldwide will get back to you as early as possible. (click here for form)
What are the options for partnering?
  • Be a sponsor for activities of at different levels.
  • List yourself in and proclaim as a socially responsible organization.
  • Partner for establishing social responsibility development centres.
  • Partner for setting up the DREAMS model training institute.
  • Partner for development and implementation of IGPs.
  • Be a service provider for IGPs under BEAM eg: vocational training in tailoring, agriculture, handicrafts and other small scale industries.

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