DREAMS Institute
DREAMS institute is aimed at:
  • Becoming a barrier-free model training institute which truly adheres to international standards.
  • Imparting managerial-level knowledge to run IGP and CBR projects and ensure their sustenance.
  • Developing skills and providing the technical know-how for participating in the IGP
  • Developing trainers for implementing similar kind of programs.
Nowhere, do we have such a training institute as per international standards. None of the trainers available are exposed to such an environment. Hence the need for the establishment of a model training institute as per the international standards will be the right choice for the development of human resource especially socially marginalized community. This will help in setting a new standard in human resource development globally. 
We currently are in the process of setting up the infrastructure for this institute. Recently, a memorandum was submitted to the Hon.PWD Minister, Shri.P.J.Joseph in this regard.
The beneficiaries of the model training institute will be as follows.
Physically challenged Community
Every year we feel that we will be able to train 30 physically challenged persons to lead the programs for the benefit of socially marginalized community. These beneficiaries will be trained as leaders of CBR (Community Based Rehabilitation) programs and IGP (Income Generation Programs).
Trainers of CBR( Community Based Rehabilitation) and IGP ( Income Generation Projects)
This institute will support the need of developing trainers in developing CBR and IGP for the benefit of socially marginalized communities
Teachers of educational institutions
Teachers of the educational institutions can gain from the international trainers in developing our younger generation to be more employable and socially committed.
Students of other educational Institutions
This institute will be a model to the students of other educational institutions to understand international standards and employment opportunities internationally.
They also will be exposed to the new concept of inclusive education and help them to change the mind set towards the marginalized communities
Other marginalized communities
This model institute will help in developing other marginalized communities in following areas
Rehabilitation of:
  • Physically challenged
  • Widows and single mothers
  • Accident victims
  • Aids victims
  • Prisoners
  • Repatriated expatriates
  • Orphans
  • Victims of war and natural calamities
  • Other communities which require support
Training institute for physically challenged
The institute is expected train 30 physically challenged persons every year to managerial levels so that they can support other training institutions, other rehabilitation, & socially responsible programs.
Training centre for trainers
Today the major challenge is lack of sufficient trainers who can take the responsibility of transforming the human resources to socially responsible persons. The institute will cater to the training needs of developing competent trainers.
Management support and knowledge management centre
The institute will act as management support and knowledge management centre for social responsibility programs, management of CBR (Community Based Rehabilitation) and IGP (Income Generation Program) programs.
The centre also will act as a control centre for our ‘Mission Employment’ program.
Model Institute
This centre will be a model institution for other educational institutions, rehabilitation programs and buildings in the following areas:
  • Barrier free environment
  • Inclusive education
  • International systems and standards
  • Innovative methods of training
  • Train the trainers
  • Job oriented trainings
  • Management support systems

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